The AI Innovations Cycle: 10 AI Revenue Advances in 2-Minutes Each

From AI Revenues Crisis to AI Global Leadership

"Investors have poured $330 billion into about 26,000 AI and machine-learning startups over the past three years" (1)

They must compete against AI leaders who give away their best new AIs for free or at steadily falling prices.

26,000 AI investments will not survive.(2) So if 85% of AI investments will fail, how will your AI business succeed?

Opens in a new tab:

(1) Business Standard, "Artificial intelligence startups face rough financial reality check,"

(2) Business Insider, "OpenAI's ChatGPT website is on track to see more than 2 billion visits this month,"

Explore the 10 AI Revenues Solutions in this AI Innovations Cycle

In 2 minutes per innovation, you’ll learn about Expandiverse IP's "Active Knowledge" advances. This series prepares you and your senior AI decision makers with new ways to steer your AI business into a future of growth for your AI revenues, markets, and leadership.

AI Advance EXAMPLE: People End the Climate Crisis

AI Pain Point: Climate Crisis. AI's computing costs are widely known to damage sustainability. And current AI solutions do not significantly address or solve the climate crisis at a global scale
AI Advance 1: AI Revenues

AI Pain Point: AI Revenues. Insufficient AI revenues for AI’s high costs. 26,000 AI investments compete against the world's best AI's that are free or low cost, threatening their survival.
AI Advance 2: AI Data, Feedback, Optimizations

AI Pain Point: AI Data. Insufficient high quality AI data inputs, and needs for useful AI training from large volumes of focused real-world data.
AI Advance 3: Personal Goals

AI Pain Point: Personal Goals. AI doesn’t automatically personalize itself to each person's goals, needs, activities, and questions.
AI Advance 4: AI Safety and Hallucinations

AI Pain Point: AI Safety. AI's misalignment with real user needs and accuracy frequently results in responses questioned for their relevance and accuracy, fostering skepticism by users, businesses, and societies.
AI Advance 5: AI Privacy and Protections

AI Pain Point: AI Privacy. [In development]
AI Advance 6: Cross-devices Personal AI

AI Pain Point: Cross-devices AI. As each person uses multiple devices, limited AI personalization across devices restricts user control, AI usefulness, and accurate AI experiences.
AI Advance 7: AI Monetizations

AI Pain Point: AI Monetization. Today’s limited lives are monetized universally worldwide. AI is already being used to continue the dominance and wealth of giant platforms that provide search, advertising, and online commerce.
AI Advance 8: AI Automations

AI Pain Point: AI Automation. Lack of AI automation reduces efficiencies and scale.
AI Advance 9: AI Reporting and Explainability

AI Pain Point: AI Reporting. AI's value for individuals, companies, and societies is reduced because it is missing AI reporting of personalized progress, growth, and gaps.
AI Advance 10: AI Revenues Leadership

AI Pain Point: AI Revenues Leadership. Instead of choosing your AI, your markets use the competitors' best AI's for free or low cost, so your lack of AI moats kills your revenues
Humanity's Pain Point: Limited Lives. Throughout human history economics was dominated by scarcity and poverty, politics by elites capturing power and wealth, lives were largely predetermined by birth, and cultures enforced the past by limiting ways to improve.

Expandiverse IP Innovations for AI's People-First Planet:

  • AI Problems




AI's Top 5 Revenue Problems

Monetizing AI with high-growth revenue streams must overcome major challenges:

  1. 1
    High Costs for AI Training, Talent, and Computing: High AI expenses often exceed revenue potential.
  2. 2
    Market Saturation by Competitors: The biggest AI vendors give their best new AI's away for free or at low cost, which limits the growth of many AI companies. AI Niches have fast-followers, making differentiation and defentible moats continuing problems.
  3. 3
    Unique Value Proposition for Exclusive Monetization: Developing a defensible AI business is difficult because successful AI niches have fast follower competitors. Thousands of AI companies face well funded competition, causing serious revenue gaps.
  4. 4
    Data Privacy, Safety, Hallucinations, and Ethics: Ensuring AI revenue models align with privacy, safety, hallucinations protection, and AI ethics is difficult and expensive without compliance costs and problems that compromise scale, revenues, and profits.
  5. 5
    Scalability Issues: Scaling AI applications to meet growing demands without compromising quality or performance requires large infrastructure and talent investments that undermine profitability.
How will you solve your company's AI revenue challenges, and transform your AI into a leader?
(Click image to see it full size)

Expandiverse IP: How to Start a People-First Planet with Universal Success

  • Expandiverse IP has received over 2,000 patent citations
  • This advance is cited more than 99.9% of all U.S. patents
  • These 20 tech leaders did one-third of the patent citations
(3 min. video bio. Click to watch in HD.)

Hi, I'm Dan Abelow, creator of Expandiverse IP. It's great to see you!

I'm an Applied Futurist and UX expert who has developed groundbreaking technologies and patents. Some highlights include:

  • Degrees from Harvard and Wharton
  • Over 550 licensees of patents I created. Licensees include Apple, Microsoft, Google, Nvidia
  • Over 4,400 lifetime patent citations
  • UX (User Experience) expert: Developed hundreds of UX improvements for leading products and services at world leading companies

Some of the 550 licensees of Dan's previous patents:

All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. This use is factual reporting, not an endorsement.

My Personal Mission:

My personal mission is to anticipate, innovate, and transform.


Humanity's greatest power is our technology. Biologically, people stay the same. When we change our technology we change what we wear, the work we do, how well we live, and the length of our life.


Today our problems and emergencies are exploding. We need to add the first "planetary success technology" that assists billions daily. Expandiverse IP's "Active Knowledge" gives AI businesses new abilities to improve billions of lives, everywhere, every day.


The reward for these AI businesses is world-scale revenues and growth. The reward for people is humanity's first successful planet that includes everyone. AI businesses are empowered to monetize the world's billions of AI-driven personal improvements every day — growing lives, economies, societies, and a giant market value for their company.

My Personal Goal:

My personal goal is to help start a world where billions progress daily.

Expandiverse IP transforms the world's best solutions into choices on everyone's devices so they can see how to improve their life every day, and help fix the world's problems.

In 1776 Adam Smith introduced modern capitalism's "Invisible Hand of the Market." This underpins free market capitalism by regulating supply and demand through the invisible self-interest of all participants. 

Now Expandiverse IP adds a "Visible Hand of the Market" so that each person can choose their goals, know the world's best solutions, and choose the ones they want. Self-interest guides people's goals and AI-assisted choices. Vendors' self-interest guides their AI-assisted offerings. AI providers can monetize solution-driven transactions.

Quantitative reporting from this Visible Hand process will show how well our self-interest leads to the personalized solutions people use to improve their lives and the planet, and the gaps that remain:

(Click image to see it full size)
From the "Invisible Hand of the Market" to this new "Visible Hand"

Learn how traditional market forces evolve to a new paradigm, where Personal & Business Maturity Models are optimized by Expandiverse IP for visble, inclusive success.

(Click image to see it full size)
Flip Spcoety's Pyramid without Attacking Elites or Revolutions

With Expandiverse IP "Flipping the Pyramid" adds transformative advances that empower everyone to succeed. This starts a planet where the ability to prosper is grown, not limited.

(Click image to see it full size)
Humanity's Journey to Our Full Potentials

Lead Humanity's Journey by leveraging Expandiverse IP to unleash AI's full potential, heralding new ways to produce prosperity, achievements, and growth for all.

No One Alive has Ever Experienced a Successful Planet, or Known How to Build One

But now, as never before, we can build AI-driven businesses that assist billions daily. AI with Expandiverse IP can empower everyone to choose goals like inclusion, prosperity, health, and sustainability.

Its quantitative "Active Knowledge" becomes managed models that scale personal successes from exceptions into new norms. People's collective goals convert today's limits into the economy's new "Visible Hand of the Market."

Is this the opportunity to start a Global AI Renaissance and become the successful people and planet we would like to be?

Dan Abelow,
Expandiverse Innovator and Founder

3-minute Bio: Click to view full size



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