Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.
Press Release:
Liquidax Capital

Ahead of the Change™
Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for IP licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.

Ahead of the Change™
Liquidax Capital is a Private Equity based IP Asset Management firm that focuses on large emerging markets
Liquidax represents Expandiverse IP for licensing, partnering or acquisition.
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Liquidax Capital Press Release
Liquidax Capital Introduces Metaverse Patent Portfolio
Available for Licensing, Partnering or Acquisition
IP Portfolio Advances the “Real World Metaverse™” including Gaming, with or without VR headsets
New York, NY - Dec. 8, 2021 — Liquidax Capital today announces its representation of a patent portfolio that enables foundational advances in the Metaverse.
The represented patents were developed by high-value inventor, Dan Abelow whose previous patents were licensed by 550 companies, and whose patent filings have been cited over 4,100 times. Abelow’s patents are prosecuted by leading patent attorneys at Fish & Richardson, a premier global intellectual property law firm, who continue to represent the prosecution of the patent family. These Metaverse patents have priority starting in 2010 and 2011, with ongoing continuations and divisionals growing the IP portfolio.
Referenced in the patents as the “Expandiverse” the first patent is titled “Reality Alternate” and introduces Shared Planetary Life Spaces (SPLS) where people switch between their life and multiple non-fictional digital realities across multiple devices, locations, and times — providing persistent presences in multiple constructed realities.
A second patent, currently pending, is titled “User-controlled Digital Environment across Devices, Places, and Times” which enables user-control over how “digital” serves each person. For example, the Metaverses enabled by this patent could allow people and companies to solve overwhelming real problems at global scale, such as sustainability, the climate crisis, inequality and health.
“These and other ‘umbrella patents and applications’ add valuable innovations” said Daniel Drolet, Chairman & CEO of Liquidax Capital. Additional patent divisionals and continuations will be filed in conjunction with the goals of new licensees, partners or an acquirer, since this portfolio’s Metaverse IP specification includes 1,400 pages and 282 figures.
Some of this IP portfolio’s proprietary advances include:
This Metaverse patent portfolio and related innovations are already growing within Intellectual Property circles. The initial patents have been cited 1,628 times. 302 of these citations are by Amazon, Google, Apple, IBM, Samsung, and Microsoft. One-third of its patent citations are from 20 of the world’s leading technology companies.
“Fierce competition for Metaverse competitive advantages is about to explode,” Drolet says. “This portfolio of IP assets will assist Metaverse designers, business strategists and senior executives by adding advances that provide competitive advantages protected by this unique IP.” These are designed at worldwide scale by taking advantage of cloud services and the satellite-enhanced Internet that is expected to connect up to 7 billion users in the near future.
“Liquidax specializes in large emerging markets,” Drolet concludes. “We are identifying firms for private conversations on the licensing, partnering or acquisition of the portfolio. We welcome inquiries from executives who aspire to lead Metaverses and Metaverse applications that will position them at the top of the market.”
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What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder

Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition

Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.